Astounding, yet another week has passed. Simply but yet complicatedly too.
He who was taking life trouble-free, it is just not working out, buck up little man whispered someone whom I knew for a long time; ever since.
waking up and telling himself not to forget its a Saturday, when that happens, He will always be pressing the snooze button on the alarm.
He woke up,
when the oddest weather appear on Saturday morning sky, in a brief 10minutes taking away the bright and shinny sky, and bringing the gloomiest dark sky I ever seen. while drinking down a glass of pale white milk and whipping up a couple bread or two to go with purple-ly-Jam.
It started to drizzle outside, when I took a gleam outside, and soon it turned to a shower.
"oh well, it just another downpour on the Klang valley" I said to myself,
for I was all alone at home.
however, it did not stop, it was raining heavier and it did not stop after hours,
It made me think of a cartoon clip of Mr.Rain and Earth, that Mr.Rain was the pretty angry with the pollution and wanted to wash it all down with hours of letting go; in the loo. haha. alright. too much information Mr. Rain.
Anyways, he opened up works that are due, for work he didn't do because of the hectic week he had, well, blames himself for poor time management. however, the cold weather provides as a good air-conditioner and it really saves the Polar Bears and Penguins up north! well in another way I think this excessive water is because of the melting ice caps. oh well. I will be trying to make the earth a better place kay? don't worry Mr.PB!
Stuff for rangers have came up, and I'll be slotting it into my hectic schedule, and hopefully, my special requested artist will come up with a good sketch for us; I don't think she reads my blog; no pressure on you! smiles.
alright that's all for this week, lots of training needed, time management and of course without God's help nothing will go well,
I pray. God bless. Smiles. Cheers.

wait wait plus! have to read Bekini Daily yet? haha. our new header for Malay Class Newspaper Project. haha. Take care. Selamat Puasa. haha God bless
waking up and telling himself not to forget its a Saturday, when that happens, He will always be pressing the snooze button on the alarm.
He woke up,
when the oddest weather appear on Saturday morning sky, in a brief 10minutes taking away the bright and shinny sky, and bringing the gloomiest dark sky I ever seen. while drinking down a glass of pale white milk and whipping up a couple bread or two to go with purple-ly-Jam.
It started to drizzle outside, when I took a gleam outside, and soon it turned to a shower.
"oh well, it just another downpour on the Klang valley" I said to myself,
for I was all alone at home.
however, it did not stop, it was raining heavier and it did not stop after hours,
It made me think of a cartoon clip of Mr.Rain and Earth, that Mr.Rain was the pretty angry with the pollution and wanted to wash it all down with hours of letting go; in the loo. haha. alright. too much information Mr. Rain.
Anyways, he opened up works that are due, for work he didn't do because of the hectic week he had, well, blames himself for poor time management. however, the cold weather provides as a good air-conditioner and it really saves the Polar Bears and Penguins up north! well in another way I think this excessive water is because of the melting ice caps. oh well. I will be trying to make the earth a better place kay? don't worry Mr.PB!
Stuff for rangers have came up, and I'll be slotting it into my hectic schedule, and hopefully, my special requested artist will come up with a good sketch for us; I don't think she reads my blog; no pressure on you! smiles.
alright that's all for this week, lots of training needed, time management and of course without God's help nothing will go well,
I pray. God bless. Smiles. Cheers.

wait wait plus! have to read Bekini Daily yet? haha. our new header for Malay Class Newspaper Project. haha. Take care. Selamat Puasa. haha God bless
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